
  1. ROS消息头

    sensor_msgs/LaserScan和 sensor_msgs/PointCloud等消息使用共同的消息头Header,格式如下:

    #Standard metadata for higher-level flow data types
    #sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID
    uint32 seq
    #Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:
    # * stamp.secs: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch
    # * stamp.nsecs: nanoseconds since stamp_secs
    # time-handling sugar is provided by the client library
    time stamp
    #Frame this data is associated with
    # 0: no frame
    # 1: global frame
    string frame_id


  2. LaserScan消息

    # 测量的激光扫描角度,逆时针为正
    # 设备坐标帧的0度面向前(沿着X轴方向)
    Header header
    float32 angle_min        # scan的开始角度 [弧度]
    float32 angle_max        # scan的结束角度 [弧度]
    float32 angle_increment  # 测量的角度间的距离 [弧度]
    float32 time_increment   # 测量间的时间 [秒]
    float32 scan_time        # 扫描间的时间 [秒]
    float32 range_min        # 最小的测量距离 [米]
    float32 range_max        # 最大的测量距离 [米]
    float32[] ranges         # 测量的距离数据 [米] (注意: 值 < range_min 或 > range_max 应当被丢弃)
    float32[] intensities    # 强度数据 [device-specific units]


  3. PointCloud点云消息

    #This message holds a collection of 3d points, plus optional additional information about each point.
    #Each Point32 should be interpreted as a 3d point in the frame given in the header
    Header header
    geometry_msgs/Point32[] points  #Array of 3d points
    ChannelFloat32[] channels       #Each channel should have the same number of elements as points array, and the data in each channel should correspond 1:1 with each point

